So we were hoping to have this little angel on 11/11/11 (fun bday, right) but that didn't happen despite our best efforts. Her actual due date was 11/24/11 but Dr. Yamishero said he wouldn't induce me more than a week early. It actually turned out perfect. Apparently the hospital was crazy on the 11th and delivered 60 babies that day. But when we came in on the 14th all was calm and we got a wonderful nurse and lots of attention.
So labor and delivery.... we got there at 8am. I was positive for Strep B and had to be on 4 hrs of antibiotics before they would break my water. So they started me on some pitocin and told me to hang tight for a few hrs. My contractions during that time weren't too bad... no need for an epidural at that point, I was able to work through them. Just before 12pm my nurse came in and said that it was a good time to get my epidural because the anesthesiologist was about to go in surgery and then I would have it when they broke my water and I would be all set to go with hopefully a quick ending. So the guy came in and did his thing during of which my water broke... while he was placing the big needle in my back and having a contraction! OUCH! Never had that happen before. That is also the first time I have felt my water break. It was like this big surprising POP, to which I was told "to hold still" during... yeah right! Anyways, a few minutes later Dr Yamishero came in to break my water and instead just checked me. To my disappointment I was only at a 3 (which is where i was at when I came in) and maybe 80% effaced. Again... disappointment. That all happened around 12:15-12:30ish and from that point on... OH MY GOSH... she was coming! The epidural didn't take very well on my right side so I felt more than I was hoping to. But by 1:40 or so I was ready to push. In an hours time I was at a 10 and totally effaced. Oh man... going that fast does not make you feel very good... I was sick to my stomach, shaky and a major headache. Luckily Ryan was wonderful and such a support and so loving. Ryan quickly called my mom and said you maybe have 20 minutes before this baby gets here... hurry. And the nurse called Yami and luckily they both walked in the same time! 4 or so pushes later she was HERE!!!! Bigger, sweeter and with way more hair than we imagined!! Crazy part about the whole delivery was that Yami had 2 other girls ready to deliver at the same time as ME. But because this was my 4th he let me go first but after I delivered her he literally ran outta the room leaving me in all my glory... cord hanging out and no placenta delivered yet. GROSS! If that doesn't make you feel attractive nothing will :) Ryan was able to help deliver her too. He gowned up and was the first to catch her and then cut the cord. (I love that about him. He has been able to deliver all our kids but Ella .) So an hour later... yes an hour later, Yami came back and finished the job. But in the meantime I got to hold the sweetest baby girl EVER! She didn't even cry... she literally laid in my arms and talked to me... just cued and cued. Eyes wide open and ready to chat and tell me all about it. She weighed 8 lbs 9 oz and was 20 inches long. By far my biggest baby! We were all in love.
A different and great part about after the delivery was that she never left my arms... They did her newborn check in my room, they let her wheel on up to the room with me and it literally wasn't until 9pm when I finally asked if she could have a bath that they took her for one. It was crazy... usually they've taken my babies straight to the nursery for a few hours until i see them again. But not this time. And I actually really liked it!
I loved my whole delivery... the care was wonderful from my husband and mom to the doctors and nurses. It was smooth and fast with no complications. Practically perfect.
I had been debating whether or not I wanted to nurse at all with her during my entire pregnancy... and I was pretty positive I didn't want to. I did not enjoy nursing my others at all. But I thought I would try in the hospital and that was about it... to my surprise she is a pro and loves it! OH NO! What am I in for??
That night when Ryan went home I sent her to the nursery around midnight and was looking forward to SLEEP!!! HOORAY! I slept on my BACK with my EYEPILLOW and my EARPLUGS and some needed DRUGS and slept wonderfully for 7 hours!!! Best sleep EVER!!! And I got to do that for 2 nights:) I have to admit, I love staying in the hospital! All I have to worry about is me and this tiny sweet newborn. I get food brought to me, friends and family come to visit, I can sleep all I want. IT is fabulous! I'm kinda strange like that! I did have one crazy night though... it was around 7pm and everyone had gone home for the night so it was just me and Audrie watching TV and all the sudden the fire alarms start going off! YIKES... what does this mean and what am i suppose to do. I peaked out in the hall and asked what I should do and was told to pack a small bag and stay in my room until further notice. AHHH panic. I could smell smoke so I called Ryan and told him what was going on and he might need to come back... All the sudden I could hear firemen up and down the halls, coming in and out of rooms, and nurses running around putting on these crazy vests that had these 3 big pouches in the front, which I later learned were fire proof and for the babies that the moms couldn't carry out on their own. SCARY! Luckily after 20 minutes or so the alarm turned off and we were told not to worry....OKAYYYY. I couldn't really get a straight explanation on what happened, I was told the ventilation system sucked in the smoke of a near by camp fire. YEAH RIGHT. Whatever it was I was glad it was over and no big problems were happening.
I fell in love with this little girl before I even saw her. She has brought me so much hope and peace already. Holding her is indescribable. She is this perfect dark haired, blued eyed, long toes and fingers, and looks just like her brother, little baby girl that has already brought more joy to me than I could ask for. I am going to LOVE being her mom. What an honor it is to have another daughter of God in my arms. I am always amazed at what giant spirits these little bodies have.
I LOVE YOU AUDRIE!! And thank my Heavenly Father for this gift!! It is going to be a pleasure to raise her!!