Monday, November 8, 2010

The Great and Terrible

Ever read a book series that changes you?.... I just finished one of those for me and believe me it is quite the accomplishment for me! I am not a big reader. Occasionally I will pick up a book series that people tell me that I "just have to read" like, The Twilight series, or the Hungar Games series, and that about sums it up for the past couple of years. And I have enjoyed all of them but this one was different, even life changing. My mom started reading them this summer and gave them to me in August. It's called the Great and Terrible Series by Chris Stewart. Its a 6 book series from an LDS author that starts with the war in heaven and takes you down through the beginning of the "last days". You follow a family and their friends through their life's challenges. My husband was surprised I was so in love with it because there is politics and war, military, the influence of Satan and sadness throughout the book, which usually is not my forte. But the part that got me was the hope and power that the light of Christ has to overcome all obstacles. And all the miracles that take place because of the power of the priesthood and prayer. These books, funny enough, strengthened my testimony about so many things... what we were foreordained to do in these last days, really how "choice" the spirits are who are coming to this earth, gratitude for those who serve our country with truth and honesty both in the political side of things and in the military, my love for this country has grown, my desire for emergency preparedness has tripled, that there is a plan, and how Satan works... how subtle and evil and deliberate He and his angels are. I can't stop thinking about it and all the details of the incredible story. I heard a rumor that there are going to be 2 more books coming out sometime... I really hope so! So yes I am proud of myself or actually finishing a series that was so long and involved and that pulls at your heart. LOVED IT!!! I highly recommend it to all.

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