Thursday, April 15, 2010


What is wrong with me?... Whenever the subject of politics come up all that I hear in my head is that voice from Charlie Brown when the teacher is talking, "whah whah wha whah whah wha whah". Really, I just have no interest or desire in involving myself with them. If there was one thing Ryan could change about me I am sure it would be this. He really enjoys listening to people like Glen Beck and keeping up with all the things that are going on in Washington. His family is hugely into it, in fact, at Sunday dinners politics are often a subject that come up, and I am left there with not much to say or contribute. Why is that. There really is no spark in me right now to even try. Maybe in a different season in my life I will be more concerned. But as for now, I am leaving that all up to Ryan:). Some reasons why I have a hard time with it is I am just not an alarmist and I am generally pretty naive and trusting in this area with those who run our governments. Which I am sure some would call those faults. I also have a tough time believing that my voice has much weight at all in Washington. I am sure it would count as more on a local level, which is why I have encouraged Ryan to be more involved and worried about things on a state level rather than a Federal. I am also sure that how we were raised plays a part into it, my parents weren't involved either but Ryan's always have been. They have always listened to numerous talk radio shows as well as news stations on TV, they have gone to all kinds of city meetings, anything they could raise there voice up for they did. Maybe I just don't have that seed planted in me to get up and voice my opinion.
Don't get me wrong, I love this country, I whole heartedly believe in all the values in was built on, I do have concern for the parts of our Nation that our dwindling, I support the troops and really try not to take our freedom for granted, I teach my kids to love this country. And even with me being less involved than others it really does not take away any appreciation I have for those who are involved. I am sure they can make a difference on some level. And I am grateful to them. But for some reason I am just not interested right now . Sorry Ry! Maybe some day!

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