Sunday, July 12, 2009

First name basis!!!

Yes, that's right, Ryan and Deron Williams are on first name basis, he really knows who Ryan is! What a spoiled guy! Thanks to Ryan's sister, Jen and her awesome job, and the fact that she is too good to her brother, Ry and D-Will are well acquainted! This last Friday Ryan was able to be Jen's plus 1 at a fundraiser dinner at LaCaille that her company Vitamin Water was sponsoring! So once again he was able to schmooze with the big dogs! He had good chats with Paul Millsap, of which he begged to stay around, and Ronnie Price, who was really nice to him. He also begged the President of the Jazz to pay whatever he needed to keep Millsap with us, he said he would love to but there is a lot of $$$$$ out there on the table for him and he wasn't sure what is going to happen-(don't like the sound of that!) Bolerjack and his wife were very nice, he saw Dee Brown, and of course talked with the big man and his wife a little bit, congratulating them on the new addition of their baby boy. This was the point where D-Will came up to Ryan and Jen and said, "Hey Ryan how's it going?" I guess Jeni needs to find a new date! Just Kidding! we are so grateful for Ry being able to to attend all these things with her and see a glimpse into the glamour life. He has been to golf tournaments sponsored by D-Will, birthday parties for Ronnie Brewer and CJ Miles, Sundance parties- A lot of fun things. The food was of course awesome and the atmosphere was incredible. We bought him a new shirt and tie, so of course he looked way hot! And he finally asked if he could have a picture taken with him... YEAH!!! He has been afraid to sound like the stalker fan if he asked for one, but he did this time for me! What a great night and fun memory to have! Thanks Jen!

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