Thursday, July 30, 2009

My Nemesis! LaUnDRy... YUCK!

Why can't I figure this out! My worst enemy keeps getting the best of me and I cannot figure out how to get over it! I HATE LAUNDRY! I constantly have piles every where; piles to wash, piles to fold, piles to put away, piles of Ryans clothes that he wants to wash himself, piles of clothes that he wants to put away himself, piles of clothes that the kids leave around everywhere. This really is my worst thing that I cannot get a grip on! What is the best way to tackle this problem? Should I do it once a week? Get it all done from washing to folding and putting away? Should I wash one day and fold and put away another? (which is what I am doing now and it is driving me crazy!), Should I just try to keep up on it all week? I guess I am alright at the washing of clothes... but then it just sits in a big pile for me to fold and put away until I literally cannot open the door or it is just to ridiculous to find anything! Or then I do fold and it sits in those piles! Maybe I am just too lazy and just need to get over it and stop wishing for the laundry fairy to come at night and rescue me! Should I decorate my laundry room really fun so I like to be in there? Do I need a better organization of things so its fun and cool to look at? I just need an overhaul! So if anyone out there really does read this and has any advice for a laundry hater like myself...please help!

1 comment:

  1. Girl! I am a fellow laundry HATER! I too, have struggled to find a system that worked for me. I think I found something that I can at least manage, without wanting to barf everytime I think of the laundry room! I do the kids laundry on Mondays (including folding) each of the kids have their own laundry baskets, and are in charge of putting their own laundry away (except Tate!) Then I do Shane and mine on Wednesday, (folding and putting away) then the kids again on Friday. It has worked so far for me, and giving the kids a little responsibility has been good too. Good Luck friend!
