Clarie had a really good time at her party! She seemed to know that this was really about her, she had a smile on all night, loves opening presents and liked all the extra attention she was getting! She was spoiled, as she should be, hated when I took her cake away, although she was much daintier than I thought she would be. i thought she would double fist it but instead she just picked at it with two little fingers! What a great night! Such a Joy and such a wonderful daughter and little baby to have in our home!
Hey Camille, I just found your blog on Lisanne Pepper's blog. I can't believe Claire is one already. You look so gorgeous in that family picture. Regan told me her cousin did your kids' pictures and they are SOOOO cute.
Hey Camille, I just found your blog on Lisanne Pepper's blog. I can't believe Claire is one already. You look so gorgeous in that family picture. Regan told me her cousin did your kids' pictures and they are SOOOO cute.