Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Reid Fam-damily

We just had my family over for Sunday dinner tonight and I just had to sit down and write a little something about how much I enjoy them! I really have the best brothers and sis-in-laws out there, not to mention the greatest parents. It is jsut the best feeling to be BBQ-ing burgers, eating icecream, watching football, girls chatting, lots of laughing, and letting the kids all run around and play. So fun, relaxing, and memorable. I am so proud of all my brothers and their life decisions. Such great husbands and fathers (or soon to be fathers), uncles, and friends. Their wives are all perfect for them and make them better men. I am a lucky girl to be surrounded by a great family who I really love to be around! Thanks guys for loving me and my family! Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my!, your kids are growing up soooo fast. I cannot believe how time just seems to FLY along. LOVED catching up on your blog. Thanks for sharing :) -Tara
