Friday, June 25, 2010


I have a confession to make...(no judging) and I am blaming this one on my mom:) (even though she no longer participates or watches) I am a Days of our Lives junky! and have been for as long as I can remember; from the time I would get home from school and sit down and watch up until now. Why I feel the reason to share this is beyond me but I thought I would get my guilty pleasure out there. Seriously one of my most relaxing times of the day that I get all to myself (I watch it in my room with no little eyes or ears around) with my Diet Coke and a bowl of 94% fat free popcorn sprayed with I cant believe its not butter spray, and I sit for a good 30-40 min (thanks to DVR's and the magic of fast forwarding all the commercials and dumb story lines) and escape into the soap world. Silly I know, and some may say a total trashy waste of time, but really its my sanity break. So thanks to all the good people of Salem (the town the show takes place in) and all the crazies who live there who make me cry,(yes I admit I have cried), laugh, and wonder why in the world I watch this stuff... but I am hooked!

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